Friday, April 13, 2012

Beyonce Dance For You: Take Notes

I love the woman empowerment of Beyonce like the next person, but this is the Beyonce that I know and love right here.  Dance for you is a smash hit.  I love how its tastefully done, but its sexy.  The black and white picture with the seductive booty popping and sun light hitting her sexy silhouette just perfect.  I need all of my ladies to take note because Beyonce knows what it takes. keep your man happy by switching things up from time to time.  If you have to put on a different wig every few days, pull out the handcuffs, do a little dance or whatever you should do it.  Keep your man's attention. We are really easy to please.

 I was once asked, why do men like to go to the strip clubs and spend money then go home and make love to their woman, why not just give her the money and stay home.  The reason is because its all about seductiveness and enjoying ourselves.  We work long hours and some help maintain the house and the kids, so just like women we get stressed and to relieve that stress we have strip clubs, bars, and dear I say it porn.  So it is just the pure fantasy of the craft, which is why I say put on a wig from time to time to change it up and spice things up.  Communicate what you like, don't like and by all means have fun with it.  Get it B I ain't mad at you!

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